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Pour les tarifs dédiés aux anniversaires et aux sorties d’entreprises, veuillez-vous reporter aux rubriques concernées
Our classic offer
Our classic offer
CHF1700 / person
- one game of 20 minutes
- 5 mins of thorough explanation of the game
- 5 mins of score description at the end of the game
Events formulas – Examples of menus
59CHF formula
CHF59 / person
- 2 games of laser tag
- 1 meal (one hot meal)
- 1 drink (soda, beer, water or wine)
- Book 2 days ahead
- More details
69CHF formula
CHF69 / person
- 2 games of laser tag
- 1 cold buffet offer (starters, main course, desert)
- 1 drink
- Book 2 days ahead
- More details
85CHF formula
CHF85 / person
- 2 games of laser tag
- 1 hot buffet (starters, main course, desert)
- 1 drink
- Book 2 days ahead
- More details
99CHF formula
CHF99 / person
- 2 games of laser tag
- 1 hot and cold buffet offer (starters, main course, desert)
- 1 Drink
- Book 2 days ahead
- More details
140CHF formula
CHF140 / person
- 2 games of laser tag
- 1 “standing” meal
- 1 drink
- Book 2 days ahead
- More details
*For every meal, the wine offer is of 15chf (one bottle for three people) of red or white wine.